About Me
My History
My life as an
My personal life has been quite unusual and varied. I am an American that moved around a lot as part of an army family. I got my bachelor’s degree in California. I have been an entrepreneur since I started performing my own magic act at parties and events at the age of ten. I was a professional actor from the age of 12 to 18. I got a degree in media from California State University Northridge. After college, I organized and ran an entertainment company in Los Angeles. I began travelling at the age of 29. I landed in Estonia in 1993. I started my first company here, Tulevikudisain OÜ, in 1993 with 300 Estonian Kroons (€20) in share capital. The company still operates today. The 1990’s and 2000’s were a time of amazing growth and possibility in Tallinn. I participated in the founding and operation of a number of entities in Estonia, a Finnish company and a non-profit organization that operates a museum in Old Town.

Counselling and mentoring
My interest in counselling and mentoring/coaching began more than a decade ago when I volunteered for a crisis hotline. Since that time I have focused on a career in counselling and psychotherapy. I currently hold a diploma in advanced counselling and psychology along with hundreds of practice hours in counselling and mentoring/coaching. I founded my counselling office in 2018. My mentoring business grew naturally out of my counselling business. Many people have come to me with serious psychological problems. As these problems were resolved, my clients wanted more. Psychological counselling was no longer necessary, but mentoring and life-coaching has helped these people grow and thrive in the pursuit of their careers and life goals. I am a member in good standing since 2018 of the ACCPH (a UK based organization that accredits counsellors and coaches). While psychological counselling is still my primary focus, my activities in mentoring and coaching have been immensely rewarding. Helping someone discover and utilize their full potential as a person is an amazing experience.
My Education

Bachelor of Arts in Media (Cum Laude)
1987 California State University Northridge • USA
Bachelor of Arts in Media (Cum Laude)

Advanced diploma of Counselling and Psychology
Advanced diploma of Counselling and Psychology

Certificate in Counselling and psychotherapy theory
Certificate in Counselling practice and research
Doctor Changdai Kim/Program Head
2018-2019 Seoul National University • South Korea
Certificate in Counselling and psychotherapy theory
Certificate in Counselling practice and research
Doctor Changdai Kim/Program Head

2017 Online Counselling College • Canada
Certificate in Addictions Counselling
2020 The University of Adelaide • Australia
Certificate in Addiction Management
Additional certifications
2017 Online Counselling College • Canada
Certificate in Addictions Counselling
2020 The University of Adelaide • Australia
Certificate in Addiction Management

My Life View
Balance and
Health is the thing I most value. Mental and physical health are my number one priorities. My routines are all built around this fundamental precept. I am a strong proponent of daily physical exercise. I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I meditate daily and consider this an important aspect of my overall mental and physical health. My life philosophy is quite simple. I seek balance in all aspects of my life. Out of this balance I experience an ongoing sense of fulfilment. I try each day to be a little bit better as a person. And each day I try to make the world a little bit better. Some days I succeed. Other days, not so much. But, over time, I can see my growth – mentally, physically and spiritually.

Amazing things happen when one lives a deliberate life. I see life as a series of choices and decisions. I am no longer a passenger in this life, but an active participant. I know every little and big decision in this moment will create the circumstances of the next moment. I do not follow any organized religion, but I do believe in the power of the Universe. I have found that when I go with the flow of the Universe, as I experience it, my life runs smoothly. I practice mindfulness. I practice humility. I try to do my best everyday. And in doing this, I know I am doing the very best I can. Nothing more can be expected of any of us. I try to learn from my past mistakes, but not dwell on them. I plan for my future, but I also remain firmly rooted in the present moment. I believe people are brought together for a reason. I see this all the time in my counselling practice, my mentoring and my personal life. If you are reading this page then perhaps it is because I am someone who can help you improve your life. Let’s meet. Amazing things can happen.