About Me
My life as an entrepreneur
My personal life has been quite unusual and varied. I am an American that moved around a lot as part of an army family. I got my bachelor’s degree in California. I have been an entrepreneur since I started performing my own magic act at parties and events at the age of ten. I was a professional actor from the age of 12 to 18.

Mentoring / life-coaching
Mentoring and life-coaching are methods of helping an individual live a fulfilling and successful life that highlights their inherent strengths and builds up areas in need of support. As a professional mentor and coach I offer my clients a viewpoint that utilizes a decades long background in entrepreneurship, as well as extensive education and experience in counselling and psychotherapy. My fundamental goal is to help my clients realize and utilize their full potential.
All of us have a unique history, a personalized set of strengths and weaknesses and a vast potential for growth and personal fulfilment. My job is to assist my clients in achieving their goals. These goals may include career advancement, a balanced family life, empowered mental health and excellent physical health and fitness. I try to guide my clients to a place where they can be the very best version of themselves. Together, as client and mentor, we seek understanding, balance and improvement. Through the effective management of these critical areas a person can experience an unparalleled sense of purpose and fulfilment.

My Methodology

Mentoring and life-coaching
My approach to mentoring and coaching is deeply founded in the principles of modern human psychology,… as well as principles of Buddhism, Stoicism and Taoism that go back thousands of years. I teach modern, practical psychological methods for maximizing an individual’s potential. I also employ many ideas from Buddhism, Taoism and Stoicism that have been used for millennia to help people be the best version of themselves. It is my job to help you articulate and design a master plan for your current life, and then teach you how to achieve these goals as quickly as possible and in a way that is sustainable. My specific background as an entrepreneur, as well as my education and practice in counselling and psychotherapy, give me a unique and valuable perspective on life experience, business, as well as physical and emotional well-being. My aim is to help a client realize and achieve their goals as efficiently as possible, and with a focus on long-term sustainability.


The Process
Goal Oriented
Mentoring and life-coaching can involve a single session or a long collaboration. People often approach me related to a specific issue in their lives such as handling stress, dealing with procrastination, relationship issues, imposter syndrome or just making some specific but difficult decision. Sometimes we can resolve an issue in a single session. At other times, it is necessary to collaborate for some time to achieve the desired results. My goal is to teach you self-observation and insight. Once you are able to effectively analyse your specific circumstances and obstacles, then I am able to give you the practical psychological tools you need to improve your life experience and achieve your goals. Many clients find regular and ongoing sessions a very useful element in their daily lives. Open-ended collaboration is quite common. In this scenario, my clients gain support and direction on a regular basis to keep them moving and growing in their lives and careers. But many clients also come to me for a short time to get through a problematic period, make a decision or create change in an area of their life that is not going as well as they would wish.

Do I Need Counselling Or Mentoring?

Counselling or Mentoring
Psychological counselling and mentoring/life-coaching are fundamentally different things. This is the simplest way to put it.


Mentoring and life-coaching
To view my counselling page click here.